The Journal of an Xbox InfoPath Nut

Monday, January 30, 2006

Debugging InfoPath forms in VS2005

So I was putting some knowledge base articles up on the InfoPath portal at work today and I found a very strange little quirk in VSTO when attempting to debug an InfoPath form.
I had my pride and joy all ready to run, hit F5 and received an error informing me that I could not start a dll project directly and that I would need to add an executable project to my solution if I was going to get any debugging done (words to that affect anyway).

So I started to trawl Google but to no avail eventually I discovered that if I select the solution rather than the csharp project then press F5 the form loads up successfully.

Now I know this sounds simple and your all sitting there thinking well duh!
but hey if I ran into it guaranteed someone else will
Well back to knowledge base updates for me


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